Shops that manufacture metal parts live in a world dominated by speeds and feeds, and machine uptime. Selecting the proper machine tools, cutting tools and workholding all contribute to the optimal process to machine a part.

On the back end of all of this is the coolant filtration system. Standard filtration systems with bag and paper cartridges sometimes don’t deliver the results needed. They struggle with aluminum chips, grinding swarf, and heavy loads of particulate. Paper and bag filters can clog, and become a maintenance nightmare, while causing tooling wear and part quality issues when unfiltered coolant with micron size chips is blasted through a drill at high pressure.

For these all-too-common problem, Nikuni has developed two solutions for shops large and small.

The VDF Cyclone filter system. Now available for systems up to 250 GPM, the VDF eliminates paper and bags, using centrifugal force to separate particles from coolant. 95% of all particles above 10 micron are removed in a single pass through the VDF filter.

The best way to understand the Nikuni VDF is to watch a video demonstrating how it operates. In addition to our general video, we offer links below to specific applications that you might be dealing with in your machine shop.

For more information, to discuss your application specifics, and possibly to arrange a demonstration at your plant, please contact Ober-Read directly at

VDF Catalog Brochure

Additional Application Video Links:
Cast Iron
Ductile Iron
Induction Hardening of Steel
Grinding Steel
Grinding – Powdered Metal

The LAX series from Nikuni is a simple cart mounted bag filter, including a 115V pump suited for pumping both liquid and air, including a power cord, hoses, on-off switch, and option for 20, 40 or 100 micron bags. The unit can be moved around the plant to cleanup every CNC machine coolant sump quickly and easily. Bags are reusable, and after completing the sump cleanup, the operator can remove the wand from the sump and pull air through to dry the chip cake on the bag, making it easy to clean out for the next use.

To see how the LAX works, a brochure and video are provided. Contact Ober-read at to request a quote for an LAX for your shop.

LAX Brochure
LAX Video